Pulp and Paper Canada

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GreenFirst shares results from its annual general and special meeting

May 31, 2023  By P&PC Staff

GreenFirst Forest Products recently shared the voting results for the election of its board of directors. The election took place at the company’s annual general and special meeting which was held virtually on May 16.

A total of 145,026,432 common shares were voted by proxy at the meeting representing 81.67 percent of the votes attached to all outstanding shares. The nominees listed in the management information circular dated April 6, 2023, were elected as directors of the company.

At the annual general and special meeting, shareholders also approved:

  1. the setting of the number of directors at nine;
  2. the appointment of the auditor and authorization of the directors to fix the auditor’s remuneration;
  3. a special resolution authorizing a reduction in the company’s stated capital in respect of its common shares, and
  4. the ratification of the adoption of the company’s amended and restated shareholder plan.

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