Pulp and Paper Canada


Forest Innovation and Bioeconomy Conference (FIBC)

June 19 - June 21, 2023
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British Columbia’s forest sector is set to benefit from the Forest Innovation and Bioeconomy Conference (FIBC), to be held from June 19-21 in Vancouver.

The FIBC, organized by the Innovation, Bioeconomy and Indigenous Opportunities branch (IBIO) in the provincial Ministry of Forests, will present the global scientific, technological, and business landscape to nurture forest bioeconomy development in British Columbia. The conference highlights a broad range of topics including innovation research and development, bioproduct commercialization, bioeconomy cluster development, and Indigenous community bioeconomy development. The event is expected to bring together a broad range of attendees from forest companies, bioproduct startups, government, research institutes, Indigenous communities, and media, to inspire research and business ideas, facilitate collaboration, and exchange information on forest bioeconomy development.

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